Implementasi Metode Ijtihad Ulama’ Dalam Bahtsul Masa’il Nahdlatul Ulama’
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Bahstaul Masa'il, Nahdlatul Ulama', Method, JuristicAbstract
Nahdlatul Ulama is a religious and social organization that follows the Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah ideology and adheres to one of the four schools of Islamic jurisprudence: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’I, and Hanbali. In issuing legal rulings, NU has a platform called Bahtsul Masa’il. Bahtsul Masa’il is a forum that discusses and resolves thematic issues (maudu’iyah) as well as actual issues (waqi’iyah) that require legal certainty and serve as responses to emerging problems or reactions to existing conditions within the organization (Jam’iyyah) or the community. NU has a platform called Bahtsul Masa’il. Bahtsul Masa’il is a forum that discusses and resolves thematic issues (maudu’iyah) as well as actual issues (waqi’iyah) that require legal certainty and serve as responses to emerging problems or reactions to existing conditions within the organization (Jam’iyyah) or the community. The expectations of the NU community regarding the role and function of Bahtsul Masa’il in seeking legal certainty are very high. Various issues arise, whether they pertain to masa’il diniyyah maudu’iyyah (thematic religious issues) or masa’il diniyyah waqi’iyyah (daily religious issues). Therefore, it naturally becomes the duty of Bahtsul Masa’il to issue fatwas in response. However, as times have developed and changed rapidly, bringing about new issues, the effectiveness and credibility of Bahtsul Masa’il have come into question, with many masa’il diniyyah (religious matters) remaining unresolved or even reaching a deadlock (tawaqquf). This situation calls for improvements in the method of determining or discussing issues, which is still seen as lacking in systematic approach and has many weaknesses.
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