Perspektif Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam Lingkungan Islam Terhadap Program Inovasi Desa Kasang Kota Karang
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Economic Perspective, Natural Resource, Village Innovation ProgramAbstract
This research examines the innovation program in Desa Kasang Kota Karang from the perspective of the economic and environmental natural resources of Islam. Desa Kasang Kota Karang is one of the regions in the Jambi province that has a village innovation program. The research method employed is descriptive qualitative. Data collection for this study was conducted through interviews with research subjects. The qualitative approach seeks to understand phenomena related to the research problem, encompassing the subjects' behaviors, perceptions, motivations, and actions in a holistic manner. The research findings conclude that: a) The perspective of the Islamic economic and environmental natural resources aims to achieve integrated village development, based on natural resources and the creative power of the community, being selective and sustainable; b) The role of the innovation program in Desa Kasang Kota Karang in village development and community empowerment includes 1) community economic development, 2) enhancement of human resource quality, and 3) rural infrastructure fulfillment and improvement; c) The community participation in Desa Kasang Kota Karang in the development of the village innovation program is very high, involving activities such as the development of community-based organizations.
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Copyright (c) 2024 M Rafiqi, Fikri Habibillah, Moch Ichsan Al- Ubaidah Maulana, Nisa Aulia Putri

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