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Professionalis, Counseling teacher, Centralized education systemAbstract
This article discusses the Efforts to Improve Service Quality with the professional development of counseling teachers in a centralized education system. In order for the management of counseling services in schools to be of high quality, Guidance and Counseling Teachers must be professionally improved. The decentralized education system makes Guidance and Counseling Teachers more flexible to make all of this happen. Guidance and Counseling Teachers must be able to empower counseling guidance services to all parties and stakeholders by using various principles, principles, and guidance functions in a professional and optimal manner. Then Guidance and Counseling Teachers are required to always develop professionalism through self-development, skills, science and technology, as well as coordination with school personnel and the community in general to be able to provide counseling services in a more optimal and quality manner. The research method used is literature study or literature review, this method utilizes various reading or literature sources to obtain data and conjectural information by limiting activities to library materials without conducting field research by studying research, books and articles and sources. other relevant readings.
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