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Difficulty, Online Learning, Covid-19Abstract
This study aims to determine the obstacles faced by teachers when teaching online at SD Negeri 50 Lubuklinggau. This research is qualitative. Data collection techniques include; Observation and face-to-face interviews, the subject of this research is a Class IV teacher at SD Negeri 50 Lubuklinggau. The data analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation, data verification and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that the obstacles experienced by teachers during online learning are the lack of understanding of students when carrying out the online learning process. This is because students do not understand the learning taught by the teacher because they do not meet face-to-face and the teacher finds it difficult to monitor student learning progress. The main factor that is even more important is the lack of facilities owned by students when studying online because not all have Smartphones as learning media using online. In addition, another factor is internet packages that cannot be reached by all students.
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