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Learning Media , E-Module, Head MassageAbstract
E-Module is an effective digital media and prioritizes student independence in the learning process. The purpose of this study was to find out the process of developing the head massage e-module and to find out the validity and practicality of the product so that it can be used as a source of independent learning for students of the Cosmetology Study Program, Jakarta State University. The research method used is Research and Development with the ADDIE Dick and Carry model. The validation test was carried out by media material experts. Practicality tests using one to one tests and small group tests on students of the Cosmetology Study Program class of 2018 and 2019 who have received Grooming, Hairdressing and Hairstyling courses. The validation tests from material experts and media experts respectively were 93.6% 85.6% with the criteria for both being "Very Valid". One-on-one trials on 3 students and small group tests on 30 students respectively obtained 93.06% and 94.1% results with both criteria being "Very Practical". Based on the practicality test results, it can be interpreted that the Head Massage E-Module is valid and practical to use as a source of independent learning in the subject of Hair Care, Pratata, and Hair Styling treatments.
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