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All articles submitted to Maktab must follow the guidelines of the authorship and scope of the Journal. The submitted articles are double-blind reviewed by expert scientific reviewers. Reviewers will provide specific comments on the content of the manuscript. The decision to accept the manuscript is based on the consideration of the reviewer's comments. The editor will make the final decision on acceptance of the manuscript based on comments from reviewers. Articles submitted must be free from Plagiarism or Autoplagiarism. The similarity of articles is checked by Turnitin plagiarism detection software. All review processes are in double-blind review and are managed by editors at OJS. Articles are evaluated against the criteria outlined :Suitability or compatibility with the mission of basic education ; significance in contributing to new knowledge (advancing the field of study, or providing best practice or lessons learned) ; accuracy and eligibility of scholarships ; and readability and flow of information and ideas presented. Additional criteria are based on the following types of manuscripts: as a research article, as a reflective essay; as a project with an article of promise; as a dissertation abstract; or as a book review.
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