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Colonial Period, Learning Media, Miniature, Elementary SchoolAbstract
The results of a preliminary study at SDN Arosbaya 5 show that the use of media in the learning process is still very minimal, especially learning media for social studies content. Based on these problems, research and development was carried out to develop learning media in the form of miniatures on the subject of the colonial period for class V, theme 7 Events in life, sub-theme 1 Events Filling Independence. that are feasible to use in terms of validity, effectiveness, and attractiveness. This research is a development research using the Borg and Gall development model which was adapted by Sugiyono. The results of this development research show that: (1) the percentage of media validity is 87.3% with valid criteria, can be used after a small revision obtained from the combined average percentage of media experts is 84%, design experts is 90 %, and material experts by 73%; (2) the level of effectiveness of the media is in the very effective criteria of 100% which is seen from the results of classical completeness of 100%; (3) the percentage of attractiveness of the media that can be seen from the results of the student response questionnaire is 70% with interesting criteria.
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