The Effectiveness of the Token Economy Method for Disciplining Children at Age 3-8 Years


  • Noni Padang State University, West Sumatra, Indonesia
  • Yolivia Irna Aviani Padang State University, West Sumatra, Indonesia


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Early Childhood, Discipline, Token Economy


Discipline is an attitude and behavior that reflects obedience and thoroughness to the rules, regulations and standards that have been set, both written and unwritten. Children from an early age experience development in aspects of their lives, and disciplined behavior is very important for every child. But in fact, not all children aged 3-8 years have such a disciplined attitude. One way to improve early childhood behavior is to use the economics of excellence. The purpose of this research is to improve discipline behavior in children aged 3-8 years. This research method aims to determine the use of symbolic economics in improving child discipline. The type of research used is classroom action research which consists of four main components, namely planning, action, observation and thinking using one topic, using observation and interview research methods with three stages of research time, namely understanding, baseline and treatment. . The place for this research is the environment around the subject's house. The subject's home environment was chosen because the subject spent more time in the home environment than in other environments. The results of the study show that the application of the token economy method can improve the discipline of children aged 3-8 years.


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How to Cite

Noni, & Aviani , Y. I. (2023). The Effectiveness of the Token Economy Method for Disciplining Children at Age 3-8 Years. Literasi Nusantara, 3(3), 95–105.